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The Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) has shaped the lives of hundreds of thousands of students since its founding in 1886. Today, it has grown to a family of six fine schools in Singapore with a total enrolment of more than 10,000. ACS has established an enviable reputation for producing many of the nation’s outstanding leaders, entrepreneurs and sportsmen.

The ACS brand of education is based on the vision of our founder, Bishop William F. Oldham: to develop well-rounded students of strong moral character who excel academically, physically, socially and spiritually. The journey our students take through their school years is one of discovery, personal development, interaction and the pursuit of excellence. At every stage, we strive to prepare them for the many challenges they will face when they step into society and the real world. It is a memorable journey that fosters camaraderie, encourages a remarkable sense of belonging amongst students, teachers, parents and alumni, and also one that cultivates the inimitable ACS spirit that has made ACS unique amongst schools.

ACS (International) is owned by the Methodist Church of Singapore. Christian values and inclusivity underpin all that we do – in academic pursuits, on the sports field, in leadership and in service to others. A half-hour Chapel Service is held every week for the whole school community where basic and universal Christian values are espoused.

 ACS (International) caters for Singaporeans and overseas students who are interested in an international curriculum in a Singaporean context. In particular: the “ACS brand of education”. The establishment of ACS (International) is in line with the Singapore Government’s aim of making Singapore an educational centre of excellence: serving both local and regional students. The school embraces the traditions of ACS. Our sister schools are ACS (Independent), ACS (Junior), ACS (Primary), ACS (Barker Road), Anglo-Chinese Junior College, and ACS (Jakarta).

 ACS takes great pride in nurturing the leaders of tomorrow. As we continues to move forward and meet the needs of the ever-changing modern world, one thing in our brand of education remains unchanged – the sound Christian values and principles that are responsible for the matchless ACS spirit of excellence, service and loyalty.



英华校群秉承创办人 William F. Oldham主教的信念,以培育德行高尚、“智、体、群、灵”四育均衡发展的完人为学校愿景。从小学一路到高中,我们的学生不断探索发现、经历个人发展、相互交流、追求卓越。不论在哪一个阶段,我们都为学生做好最充分的准备,让他们将来踏入社会时,能面对人生中的种种考验。这个难忘的学习旅程让学生在同侪间培养深厚的友情,与师长、家长及校友建立密切的关系,传承独一无二的英华精神。



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